Saturday, January 15, 2011


Recently, there's band practice 3 days a week... Never go die, go my studies die.. I really dunno how to make up a right decision, N levels are coming ... Chinese O levels is in June.. Time is going to pass by really fast this year, and I am starting to get remorseful.. What have I been doing at sec 3? Omg I cant catch up with my Poa and chemistry at all... I hope that it will not be too late for me to buck up now...

Baby, by right today was our 3rd month anni.. I hope you didnt forget... I'll wait for another 13 days... And after that, I will never let anything happen to let us be apart again.. I swear ... :) love you !!


[[ Branched ]]*|9:56 AM|

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Tears are rolling down my cheeks endlessly ... I am terrified, I starting to feel scared.. Can anyone please, please tell me that 19 days will pass by fast? I am counting down everyday and it makes me feel that time passes really slow. Why is this so? I already learn my lesson and I felt so guilty... I really felt that I'm a failure as, I always did something to make you angry without realizing my own mistakes. But after these days when I'm reflecting, I really understand everything le...

[[ Branched ]]*|5:46 AM|

Saturday, January 8, 2011

[[When ppl lose sth important, then they will start to cherish the things beside them...]]

Baby... I really didnt mean to hurt you, perhaps now you might be really disappointed in me... I am really sorry ... I promise that from now till after 20 days and from after twenty days till forever I will not get close to any guys or let them get close to me... If I broke this promise, I will take up any consequences I promise! I have lose you once, I will really treasure and cherish you much much more den before... Please forgive me for the last time and I promise you that I will not make another thing to make baby angry. Please give me another chance for me to take care of you and create happy moments for the both of us ok? Lastly, I promise that when we patch back after the 20 days starting from today, there will not be topics for us to fight or quarrel about ... We will be smiling 24/7 ok baby? I love you, really... It's ... Deeply!!

[[ Branched ]]*|12:26 PM|

Sunday, January 2, 2011

[[I'm worried :(]]

I finally understand the feeling of 吃不下, 睡不着... You told me that you are having fever on thursday... My last words with you was on 11:45pm, i told u to msg me when you are awake the next day, but till now ... You didnt:( I'm worried sick as I dial lots of time and text you lots of time but you didnt reply. Thats why i call your house i expect you will be sleeping cos i tot u didnt see my msg but your grandma said, you were not at home... I cant get a wink of sleep bcos i cant get thru you... Contact me as soon as possible, ok? I trust that it wasnt a ignore .. But its really didn't notice my calls... Take care of yourself ok? I love you as ever ... And Its foreva

[[ Branched ]]*|5:44 AM|

[[ Branched Over Me ]]


[[ My Adores ]]

Food: Lots ...
Drinks:Qoo, Koi :)
Pastimes:Singing, chatting
People:My love and frens:)

[[ My Detests ]]

People:Bitches that attempt to steal him away from me.

[[ Music's Playing ]]


[[ My History ]]

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[[ The Conversations ]]





[[ My Friends ]]

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[[ Credits ]]

|Ev0nE's World Of Emptyness|
|Ev0nE's Fairyland|
|Ev0nE's Tutorials|