Saturday, October 30, 2010

[[Being unreasonable...]]

Baby... I'm sorry if I have made you vex these few days, that's not what I want really... I only hope that u will understand why I kicked up such a big fuss. You didn't even discuss it with me and u added conclusion saying i will agree and support u... But, what makes you think so? What makes me disappointed most was you literally forgot something... :(

A week of 7 days, now only left with 2 meeting days.. I am aware that humans need money to survive. I also understand that u only work for 2 months. You may be thinking, " wth? 2 months only eh why she lidat de?" Perhaps i have not been understanding enough ... I will try my very best next time.. Bii, I love you ... <3

I will be all alone for next Monday,THURSDAY, Friday, Saturday and Sunday ... :'( thanks to "Pastamania"... Hais :( Hate it man!!! Really i dun like the feeling in my heart now especially when i don't want something to happen but yet i cant do anything to prevent things from happening.. What should i do? :(

[[ Branched ]]*|4:00 PM|

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

[[One day tour :)]]

Heh heh heh heh...
The witch and the Pirate..
Ahhh his ... thirsty :P
Look into it in order to feel giddy...
Teresa," It's cuter den my baby at home!"

Went snow city and Science centre today for learning journey.. And thanks to the "cold weather" over there, now my nose resemble as a red nose reindeer._. Very painful.. Had a great day today with Mr Felony ... We went Plaza sing for the afternoon den went in all lost every shop there except for food stores... Ehh .. nth much already post again tomorrow byes ^^

[[ Branched ]]*|3:31 PM|

Sunday, October 24, 2010

[[A day spent with Mr Lobby ..]]

Ehh, stop staring at me, i want eat my burgar la...
What is that rubber band doing on my hair? :0
Looks nice, lets tuck in!!

We said to meet at 10am at the void deck, whoever is late will be punished ....
At around 9:22am bi msg me and said he reach already when I'm still waiting
for the train at Potong Pasir station, he changed the meeting place to Mac instead. But end up, I reach first :) I lied to him saying I'm still waiting for train when I'm already sitting outside Mac waiting for him.

When I get to see his reaction when he saw me, I laughed like hell.... Dam funny :) He ordered his "filet-o-fish" and start peeling the skin of the burgar.. Eat like a 3 year old boy like that.. We played and fooled around in Mac and his actions somehow made me start laughing like a mad woman...

Went to his grandpa house after that. Colin called Lobby ^^ Lucky he never
mention the "哑吧" thing else I will go crazy again :) Sent me home after everything at around 6pm :D

[[ Branched ]]*|2:45 AM|

Thursday, October 21, 2010

[[Trip to Discovery Centre...]]

Felony's favourite neh ..
Teresa, you take so long time just to pee...
Smelly toilet ...
I took this picture just because the grains of the rice was very different from other " green" grains... This one was super green:) And this was exactly what Rachel said," I'm going to find Orange Nasi Lemak one day!"

Went discovery centre with the entire secondary 3, I slept throughout the entire journey and that made me feel so shiok :) I got hungry super early as I didn't manage to have my breakfast.

At around 11:08am, baby msg me:) But he take a long time just to reply my msg, cos he busy playing his games... Yes, PSP again... Everything ended at around 12 plus and we headed back to school again to settle some problems..

We waited till 2:30pm to get our problems settled.. Meanwhile, Jodie and I played volleyball awhile while Jasper and Felony played "Peggle" my hp game... Went to band after that when Felony went to find Colin... And installed some sicko games... He sent me home after that :)

[[ Branched ]]*|3:00 PM|

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

[[I have found out that, it's only him...]]

Thanks, it's him... Who will always be by my side supporting my Dos:) Perhaps sometimes you are putting up with my attitude? I don't know? Whenever i needed your shoulders to rely on, it will always be there for me. You will always call me crybaby just to stop me from crying..

When I am sad, you cheered me up using all sorts of ways.. I'm really thankful towards everything that you have sacrificed for me:) I no longer care about the sights of others.. You gave me a very comfortable and relax time when i was with you...

-Love you, my dear!

[[ Branched ]]*|3:37 PM|

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

[[Friends by my side..]]

I am very lucky that I have a group of friends that are nice to me, thanks god! Thanks Jodie, Marcus, Jasper, Rachel, Teresa, Bryan, Shaun and Tommy.. Like what Jasper has said, I lost one but yet, I gained five. God is fair:) Only incidents happened, den I get to realize there's actually a lot people standing by my side.. You have the rights to say or criticize people, you certainly do, cos which human on Earth don't? But before you act can you use some of your brain juice? What is your brain for seriously? Just to set up your own story to set people up? I guess you dun have the brain to as well..

If you think that you have helped me a lot, maybe i shall say thanks to you here... But ending this friendship early was a good sign after all... You act like everyone on Earth loved you so much but guess what? Things that i know, in fact "we" know you don't know.. BY saying," continue being like this, and I will congratulate you" = backstabb? Den went crying to mama? This proves that what ever you told me was a lie.. A Big Fat Lie, I'm totally disappointed! By treating you as a best friend of mine was a most foolish thing i have done throughout my 15 years of life!

[[ Branched ]]*|3:06 PM|


[[ Branched ]]*|2:43 PM|

Monday, October 18, 2010

[[Get the facts right...]]

Before you act and say those hurtful words, please use your brain and think first. Get the facts right,perhaps I'm in wrong but do you think that you are the victim? If not, dun act like one.. You are really as cunning as a fox, I shall say you dun understand me, at all. You dunno what I want and what I'm longing for. But this time, it really hurts me, deeply.. As you didn't get the facts right and you added the conclusion on your own. And even get your family down to hurt those people beside you. I'm confused by your actions, I'm in fact panicking inside my heart asking myself what should I do..

I, myself knows that crying won't help, perhaps I'm over here crying and you are over there laughing.. So, should i cry or laugh then? Anyone teach me please?

[[ Branched ]]*|3:17 PM|

[[I love baby ^^]]

Today was graduation day for the seniors... Dunno should i be sad or happy, hehe. I love baby!! Muack.. Currently talking on line with Jasper and Jodie :) maybe later go find baby at school.. It's raining like hell now but very shiok lahs; very happy :) Yeah, i miss him worh ... love baby ttm

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[[ Branched ]]*|3:04 AM|

Sunday, October 17, 2010

[[A final goodbye to you ..]]

I have decided to open up my heart once again and hope that this time i have made the right choice..Throw away the past to welcome my new beginning... 151010 was our new start, it's a brand new start :) However, i have sth to say to my sister," I didnt choose to betray you i swear. No matter what i still treat you as a sister but i really duno what must u do things in this way to ruin my trust in you. I really dunno wat to do, why not u teach me? If you insisted me betraying you, I really have nth to say... Thanks for your helps and the appearance wheneva i needed you... Bye" :(

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[[ Branched ]]*|4:32 PM|


[[ Branched ]]*|4:06 PM|

Saturday, October 9, 2010


[[ Branched ]]*|5:03 PM|



[[ Branched ]]*|2:45 PM|

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Our story has ended on 22/09/10... Ya but so what if its only five days? At least i knew the reasons why u end it off... But, my question to you is, why must it always be listening to u? I told u i really dun mind cos i only need u ... I know you are a good person... I love you, good luck for your N levels!! I hope to see you soon .... Really hope.

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[[ Branched ]]*|7:09 AM|

[[ Branched Over Me ]]


[[ My Adores ]]

Food: Lots ...
Drinks:Qoo, Koi :)
Pastimes:Singing, chatting
People:My love and frens:)

[[ My Detests ]]

People:Bitches that attempt to steal him away from me.

[[ Music's Playing ]]


[[ My History ]]

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[[ The Conversations ]]





[[ My Friends ]]

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[[ Credits ]]

|Ev0nE's World Of Emptyness|
|Ev0nE's Fairyland|
|Ev0nE's Tutorials|