Saturday, September 18, 2010


I seriously dunno what de fuck i have done wrong ok? So what if i stead with him? I have the choice for my own path no one can stop me de. ESPECIALLY you! Actually, he has a very soft side its not that he wants it ... I hope everyone can give him a chance... Especially the ones that persist him so much... Everyone deserves a 2nd chance and thats why i have gave him this chance to turn over a new leaf... So please stop bugging me for the reasons already, I'm getting irritated and tired... Just face the reality la...

[[ Branched ]]*|8:02 AM|

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Abit blur;It's taken by shaun :)
Spaghetii prepared by jia, aunty and me:)
I fry de leh :P
Beautiful memories of the days & night...
I cant imagine that a tortoise wanted to kiss me, ahhhh~
Shaun and me :)

HaHa, so cute...

During the chalet, we had lots of fun... We tawned the for the first night. Xing xian, Jean and me, we played snakes and leader its quite boring so till 4.30 am we all slept on the sofa. It's xing xian say that he want to sleep but in the end he can't fall asleep, so funny .... Till morning, 3 of us went to sleep. Then went swimming in the afternoon after the long and heavy pour of rain... I accompanied Shaun to play the Water Slide for 10 rounds cos very fun :) After that, we went back and have a Karaok session with all those dunno which decade songs ... Dam old derh den feel very bored missed home a lot. Then after dinner watched 爱. I didn't expect Xing xian got watch also lor haha... After that, Shaun, Jean, Xingxian and me went to the room and slack .... 4 of us were tickling each other.. I played some music and Shuan went crazy so xing xian wanted me to off it...

I really missed the chalet alot ... It's really fun!:) Although it's bored there la, haha. OHYA! Most importantly, Happy 17 birthday to Xing Xian !!!

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[[ Branched ]]*|1:28 AM|

Saturday, September 4, 2010


hee hee, so cute hor?

Thanks Bryan, for helping me so much :) Loves... <3

[[ Branched ]]*|9:50 AM|

[[ Branched Over Me ]]


[[ My Adores ]]

Food: Lots ...
Drinks:Qoo, Koi :)
Pastimes:Singing, chatting
People:My love and frens:)

[[ My Detests ]]

People:Bitches that attempt to steal him away from me.

[[ Music's Playing ]]


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