Sunday, May 30, 2010


Today is Sunday and i'm really bored.. A lot of things just went through my mind, what am i to him? A toy for him to entertain himself only when he is bored? Whenever you want to built up a good relationship takes a long time. But ruining a relationship takes only a few seconds... Mr Kang told me this during leadership camp," Pamela, there's somethings we cant force, but we can only explain and talk things out. I felt that its kinda wasted when you have already met your good friends and boyfriend and both party knows each other so well and yet either party ignore cos of some misunderstandings. The world is so huge, yet fate causes you to be together .. No matter its friendships or boy/girl relationship, it takes two hands to clap and its not an easy job to handle as well ... If you just give up like that dun you think its really wasted? You might think, if i explain will he/she hear me out? But Pamela, you didn't give it a try, how you know the results? If it really fails but at least you did give it a try, right?" I'm thinking what did i do wrong? I only wish he could give me some of his attention, iszit just so difficult? Perhaps scolding him, ya in that im wrong but dun i derserve another chance? You dun even tell me the exact reason of breaking ... I really hate myself in this point of time.

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[[ Branched ]]*|5:45 AM|

Friday, May 28, 2010


I know it's none of my business in whatever u are doing since the day we broke up, but must you be so direct in words you're saying towards a girl? I know in the first place im in wrong, but im trying really hard to win you back. Is it just temptation? I really not sure what's in your mind.. Wan me and im all yours but, whats now ? What do u exactly wan from me??? I'm really confused! Please dun treat me like that, i really wish to be with you, just one more chance, can?

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[[ Branched ]]*|10:40 AM|

Monday, May 17, 2010


I think, i dun deserve yr love.. Pls let me go, pls i rather be stucked in the past, let me suffer with my own consequences. I love him, i still cant forget him, i cant go on without him.. And now im trying really hard to win him back! I want him, i need him and i love him too!! So, pls dun waste any of yr time on me anymore... You deserve a better girl den me, you hv so many admires. So pls go on without me.. Dun presure me too hard as i cant breathe ...

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[[ Branched ]]*|3:36 AM|

Saturday, May 1, 2010


26 April 10 I will nv forget this day ... I must learnt to be strong ... Anyway thx for putting up and tolerating my "fishing" attitude. i know it was bad and that also makes you leave me ... Really thx my ex .. You will be my loved most stead anyway i can only tell u that, nagging is a kind of love towards you.. I chose to nag even if u hate it as i love u !! ( Erm.. thats the past lah ) But all i can say is , im really happy when im with u . Im really myself and i felt that you wouldn't mind. I also once trusted u thinking you wont mind if i m not pretty. You are different frm those boys .. Although you are abit childish but i believe its to cheer me up when im moody. When im moody, and i look at you, dunno why, my mood will get better as well .. Lol i give you my blessings and hope you will find your true love one day... Thank you , really thank you !! you are the best in my heart! :*)


[[ Branched ]]*|5:25 AM|

[[ Branched Over Me ]]


[[ My Adores ]]

Food: Lots ...
Drinks:Qoo, Koi :)
Pastimes:Singing, chatting
People:My love and frens:)

[[ My Detests ]]

People:Bitches that attempt to steal him away from me.

[[ Music's Playing ]]


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