Monday, November 30, 2009


Take somemore ? Slap u ar?
Emo kid ? ><
Wow look at me arent i pro ?? :)

Today was quite happy, at least not tt bored when 2 ppl is sian but 1 thinng is why shaun dun wan come :'( so sad .. Pissed of with someone after hearing wad she say ...


[[ Branched ]]*|4:28 PM|

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Ahhh ! Kidnapper pls not kidnap me :'( Mummy save me ...

Elmo and frens here we come :) !

Today went to dar hse , we watch "yingyang yan "and "holton "tat we rent den went to Compass point for lunch :) Happy ! cos i gt my Stitch hp stripe which i waited longed to get :) den wwent his hse again play with his sis den go super bowl and arcade play some games which i use not to play:) I broke record larhhss .. -_- Tats it happy enough :) Im easily sastisfied de k :)


[[ Branched ]]*|12:29 PM|


Mavis blowing balloon... eee ! Yellow yellow dirty fellow :P
Me with green balloon :)
Wow . Colourful balloon ...
Yanling and me :)

Yesterday's YYSS open hse

[[ Branched ]]*|12:06 PM|

Friday, November 27, 2009


Im now really bored but at least, he called me . U may think is jus a few mins may make no diff but 4 me, these few mins is better den nth . For me, today was like ten yrs hv pasted and im still posting lines . Although i hv nth much to say abt tat girl in my thoughts, as i dun really know u . All i know is she is jus acteing friendly trying to flirt around . Sometimes girls are just like tat , jian ? But must u insult yrself till this state ? Although no pain, no gain but he's mine ok ? So would u just f off and give me some peace? Anyway, thx Bryan love u as an bro , Zy love u as a fren .. Love my 2 best fren as they are the only one ending up beside me :) Thx Love u too :)


[[ Branched ]]*|9:38 AM|

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Say no evil, hear no evil n see no evil ..
Milk tea was siok :)
Me, manda, jiajun n xiao zhang jie ..
me n ya qing :) Cheese ...
ahh our sun glasses dropping ..
Ahhh stitch so cute !!!

Manda n me going to take "cable car"

Me holding fine sand

Me at tianyahaijiao...
Dun we look cool?
Clouds , white thick clouds :)
2 chio farmers ...
cool !! Idols in de bus ..
Amanda, wk n me in boat ...
Ni hao , gong xi fa cai ...
Female peacocks ...
Mummy !! Save me :)
Pigeons at Hainan bird park ..
Amanda, me, ms kok, n weikian at hainan birdpark ..
Bird bird lets eat :)
Amanda, Benjamin n me ..

We realyy enjoy this trip, n 4 me , i made alot of new frens like : Amanda, stepth, jimmy, kelly, michelle, jia jun n more .. THx all 4 making my trip an interesting one :) love u guys esp amanda 4 accompanying me for 7 days ! :)

[[ Branched ]]*|2:08 PM|

Sunday, November 8, 2009


This is show luo's new show going to screen soon called: Hai Pai Tian Xin .. His name is Da lang cos he had a pink panda ... Dalang, dalang ......

[[ Branched ]]*|7:07 AM|


Mummy n i listening to Hainan trip briefing .. Sad sad me :'(
Goodbye my lovely singapore .. :"( cant bear to leave u ... I'll be back ! Wait for me !!
DAr wait 4 me :) I love u n will miss u as well ... :'"(


[[ Branched ]]*|4:22 AM|


Me n weikian acting to sell things :)
Dar n me, dar acting cute .. :)
Give me 5 !! :)
Ahhh ! ! So afraid to drop into the smelly longkang pond with algae... Yucks !

My Favourite orange angel ( stitch girlfren ) at X-Zone ... :)
My cuttie; precious Birthday present ... :) I love it ! " Good, Good " :)
My lovely birthday cake :) Yum Yum strawberry :P

I look so hungry .. Woahh !!! :) :) My Precious n most memorable Birthday ever ! Thanks Dar, weikian, Peiyee, Mavis and Zhaoyan :) Love u guys and yr lovely presents ... :]


[[ Branched ]]*|3:40 AM|

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Yesterday, 30th Oct i went out with dar .. Actually we planned to go Sentosa but after i went his hse den left my hp there he have to go back to take for me again so when we reach Vivo dar say even if go there also not much time to play so no need spent money on th ticket . So we spent time in Vivo lorss. So happy !! :)

[[ Branched ]]*|3:47 AM|

[[ Branched Over Me ]]


[[ My Adores ]]

Food: Lots ...
Drinks:Qoo, Koi :)
Pastimes:Singing, chatting
People:My love and frens:)

[[ My Detests ]]

People:Bitches that attempt to steal him away from me.

[[ Music's Playing ]]


[[ My History ]]

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[[ The Conversations ]]





[[ My Friends ]]

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[[ Credits ]]

|Ev0nE's World Of Emptyness|
|Ev0nE's Fairyland|
|Ev0nE's Tutorials|