Sunday, May 15, 2011

[[the starting but not the ending ...]]

This is just so lucky for me to have know you:)
I'm happy everyday when I'm with you
4 more days to our first month:D
Baby, I love you ttm!!! :*)

[[ Branched ]]*|4:11 AM|

Friday, May 6, 2011

[[我们的承诺, 直到永远...]]

是他, 就是他, 凶手是他....
把我的心绑架, 要我用爱交换....
很傻, 他真傻, 他真的傻....
爱早就放在那, 毫无保留给他... :)

亲爱的, 谢谢你, 给了我那么多美好的回忆:)
是你,让我忘了过去, 勇敢地往前走...
接下来的日子, 就让我陪你一起走完它吧!
最后,我想说的是, 宝贝我爱你! <3

[[ Branched ]]*|4:31 PM|

Saturday, April 30, 2011


告诉你事情的真相, 难道我错了吗? 我到底哪里错了? 为什么你选择相信他? 又为什么一个从前那么爱你的男人, 现在说变心就变心? 你曾经对我那么的好, 甚至说过我比你的朋友来得还要重要,可是现在呢? 你还是不相信我的话,不是吗? 我和他之间, 你还是选择了他, 不是吗? 算了吧! 说的比唱的好听, 你的爱就只有这样吗? 那么,当初就不要说你爱我啊!!! 放弃就放弃, 有什么了不起??

[[ Branched ]]*|9:41 AM|

Sunday, April 17, 2011

[[I'm sorry...]]

Although we've been 10 months but i still did this on you... I am really sorry but i really do feel disgusted when I think back at times... I really dunno how to face you anymore...
Im sorry really...

This is a brand new beginning again, I guess.. Although I still cant really get over the past fully... Need time ba...

[[ Branched ]]*|4:53 AM|

Sunday, March 13, 2011

[[Integrated Learning Journey,,,]]

Notes and coins from the past and present...
The wind was really cooling ...

Yukie and I ...
Reading in the bus while the rest was under the sun ...

The two days was fun and i believe its a very memorable trip as it might be the last trip for all of us that we might go as a class... We learn as a class and gone through thick and thin as a class... And that's why we call us 4N1 :)

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[[ Branched ]]*|9:52 AM|

Sunday, February 27, 2011

[[CSI trip]]

So cool :)

CSI !!!
9 February 11, my class and 4N2 went for the CSI trip... Quite fun thou :) But quite unlucky for yukie lim lar ...

[[ Branched ]]*|7:57 AM|

Sunday, February 13, 2011

[[St John Island:D]]

The cats at St John Island are real cool!! Look at its tail ... :D
Over the oceans, across the sea:D I can see you behind the trees! :D(my created poem)cool rye?!
Nice colour:) hor? green neh!! Jodie ask me drink algae :(
Welcome to St John Island!! Woohoo !!
Sylvia and me:D
Xue Ling and me :D

Me and Jodie:)

We went to St John Island on 09 Feb 11... The boat was so unstable that I nearly vomited, there's this captain Edward keep spraying the air refreshener till its like free-of-charge-.-Xueling accidentally hit the fan and the whole fan dropped, the entire class laughed at her including the teachers...haha. Its a 20 min journey... He asked us to jump 5-10 times on the spot when we reach there to kill the "giddyness" Everyone started trying when they reached .... Some said it worked but to me, I felt more giddy after trying it out:P

We went around looking at how those algae for fishes were processed... Its in the liquid form in large plastic bags kept inside a large metal rod... I felt so excited looking at them and Jodie asked me to drink them lol!

After that, we went to look at those big fishes kept in a large well... The in-charge taught us how to differentiate the male and female of the breed... I enjoyed the trip really much and hope that We can get a chance to go there as a class again!!

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[[ Branched ]]*|8:42 AM|

[[ Branched Over Me ]]


[[ My Adores ]]

Food: Lots ...
Drinks:Qoo, Koi :)
Pastimes:Singing, chatting
People:My love and frens:)

[[ My Detests ]]

People:Bitches that attempt to steal him away from me.

[[ Music's Playing ]]


[[ My History ]]

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[[ The Conversations ]]





[[ My Friends ]]

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[[ Credits ]]

|Ev0nE's World Of Emptyness|
|Ev0nE's Fairyland|
|Ev0nE's Tutorials|